domingo, 7 de junho de 2009

i catch my breath

You walk into the room
I catch my breath
The way you smile at me
I catch my breath
You look deep into my eyes
I catch my breath
Unspoken words you don't say
I catch my breath
The happiness I feel with you
I catch my breath
The perfect days we have
I catch my breath
The way you include me
I catch my breath
Sharing your time with me
I catch my breath
The brush of your lips on mine
I catch my breath
Your arms pulling me close
I catch my breath
The sweet love we make
I catch my breath

by Tonya L. Chatelain

descobri este poema algures e resolvi partilhar... xD

2 comentários:

Hachiko disse...

apaixonada :/ huuuuuuuuuuuu

S. disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.